"Viejo Viñedo" Winery
It is located in Carril Rodriguez Peña Km 10,5 , Coquimbito - Maipu, Province of Mendoza - Argentina. This winery has a large vessel capacity and some of our wines are fragmented there. The winery has its own vineyards, situated in Montecaseros, Alto Verde, Ramblon and Catitas, and is also supplied by third-party vineyards. Currently, Viejo Viñedo holds a vessel capacity of 40 million liters.
"Uvita" Winery
This winery is located in Carril Rodriguez Peña and Carril Urquiza Luzuriaga - Maipu. Uvita has a vessel capacity of 20 million liters.
"Chapanay" Winery
Chapanay winery is located in Carril Chimbas and detour Palmira - San Martin. This winery currently has a crush capacity of 1 million kilograms of grapes per day and a vessel capacity of 17 million liters. The latest technologies are used in our wineries; and modern technical resources are used in the different processes, guaranteeing the highest quality standards. From the harvest, through the crushing, to the following steps up to the packaging, such high-quality standards are achieved with the greatest enological rigor and based on up-to-date grape growing engineering.